In Conversation with Adam Nimoy -" The Most Human," moderated by Stephanie Rosen

By Miami Beach JCC (other events)

Tuesday, March 4 2025 7:30 PM 9:00 PM EDT

Join us on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 7:30 PM for an engaging and transformative evening for a conversation with Adam Nimoy, son of Leonard Nimoy, on his moving memoir.

In his mem­oir, The Most Human, Adam Nimoy details his life as the son of one of the most rec­og­niz­able actors of our time. Nimoy, too, was caught between two worlds: there was the per­ceived per­fect fam­i­ly of acclaimed actor Leonard Nimoy, and there was Nimoy’s own real­i­ty of a con­flict­ed home life. While a sim­i­lar mem­oir might be adver­tised as a “tell-all” about a pub­lic fig­ure, Nimoy takes care to be as fair as pos­si­ble to his father, the oth­er impor­tant peo­ple in his life, and him­self. He describes his child­hood dur­ing the era of Star Trek, his career shifts, his expe­ri­ence start­ing his own fam­i­ly, and his recov­ery from addiction.

A book signing will follow after the event.

In the end, Leonard and Adam Nimoy were able to rec­on­cile in their own ways: Nimoy learned to let go of resent­ment, and his father made an effort to sup­port his son dur­ing a dif­fi­cult and emo­tion­al time. Fea­tur­ing Jew­ish themes and bib­li­cal allu­sions to the Akedah (Bind­ing of Isaac) and Jon­ah and the Whale, The Most Human describes the ever-chang­ing nature of par­ent-child rela­tion­ships — both in and out of the spot­light. The book reminds us that our rela­tion­ships are always going to be com­pli­cat­ed, but that does not negate their sig­nif­i­cance in our lives. It reminds us that, though we might strug­gle to admit it, our par­ents are just as human as we are. 

Adam Nimoy is a grad­u­ate of UC Berke­ley and Loy­ola Law School. He left the prac­tice of law to pur­sue a direct­ing career in net­work tele­vi­sion. He direct­ed the crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed film about his father For the Love of Spock.