FL JCC Virtual Author Event - Binyamin Cohen

By Miami Beach JCC (other events)

Monday, October 28 2024 3:30 PM 4:30 PM EDT

Join us for our virtual FL JCC Author Series.

The Ein­stein Effect by Binyamin Cohoen shows all the ways, 70 years after his death, Albert Einstein’s influ­ence is still with us today — in our sys­tems and our cul­ture. Inter­spersed between chap­ters on his long-last­ing sci­en­tif­ic lega­cy, author Benyamin Cohen (the mind behind Ein­stein’s Twit­ter account!) also tells the sto­ry of how Ein­stein became an unlike­ly social media fig­ure and pop cul­ture icon in the mod­ern age.

Benyamin Cohen is the news direc­tor of The For­ward, and has a bizarre side job as Albert Ein­stein on social media, where he has 20 mil­lion fans. He is the author of The Ein­stein Effect and My Jesus Year. He’s based in West Vir­ginia, where he lives with his wife, three dogs, a cat, and a flock of chick­ens known as the Co-Hens.