MBJCC Book Club Series

By Miami Beach JCC (other events)

6 Dates Through Mar 21, 2023

Please join us for this wonderful series of book club discussions where we will be joined by the authors to talk about their creations. All of the events are at 12:30 pm at the MBJCC, unless otherwise noted. The David Sipress event is at 3:00 pm. 

Monday, November 28, 3:00 PM: David Sipress - What’s So Funny?

David Sipress will join us in-person.

The New York­er car­toon­ist David Sipress endeav­ors to answer that oft-asked ques­tion of how a car­toon­ist gets his ideas in his mem­oir What’s So Fun­ny?; he mas­ter­ful­ly accom­plish­es this by show­cas­ing a sam­pling of his car­toons and their back­sto­ries in this enter­tain­ing, poignant, and some­times painful book.

What’s So Fun­ny? is an hon­est and enjoy­able read by a brainy, often self-dep­re­cat­ing, author.

Tuesday, December 20:  Lynda Cohen Loigman - The Matchmaker’s Gift

Is find­ing true love a call­ing or a curse? Even as a child in 1910, Sara Glik­man knows her gift: she is a seek­er of soul­mates and a mak­er of match­es. But among the push­cart-crowd­ed streets of New York’s Low­er East Side, Sara’s voca­tion is dom­i­nat­ed by devout old­er men — men who see a tal­ent­ed female match­mak­er as a dan­ger­ous threat to their tra­di­tions and liveli­hood.

From the author of the best­selling his­tor­i­cal nov­els The Two-Fam­i­ly House and The Wartime Sis­ters comes this heart­felt and mag­i­cal sto­ry of two extra­or­di­nary women from two dif­fer­ent eras who defy soci­etal expectations.

Tuesday, January 24: Michael Frank – One Hundred Saturdays

The remark­able sto­ry of nine­ty-nine-year-old Stel­la Levi whose con­ver­sa­tions with the writer Michael Frank over the course of six years brings to life the vibrant world of Jew­ish Rhodes, the depor­ta­tion to Auschwitz that extin­guished nine­ty per­cent of her com­mu­ni­ty, and the resilience and wis­dom of the woman who lived to tell the tale.

Tuesday, February 21:  David Biro - The Bridge is Love

Every week for 20 years, three friends meet in a leafy enclo­sure under the Ver­raz­zano Bridge: Ger­tie, a feisty Nor­we­gian divorcee and for­mer ath­lete; Maria, a fam­i­ly-obsessed Ital­ian Amer­i­can wid­ow; and Corin­na, a book-lov­ing, hash-smok­ing eccen­tric. Togeth­er they sit and watch the sea as the ships — and the last years of their lives – sail by. On the eve of Gertie’s eight­i­eth birth­day, they real­ize time is run­ning out. Ger­tie decides she wants to trav­el the world. Maria secret­ly plots to reunite Ger­tie and Corin­na with their estranged fam­i­lies. And Corin­na falls in love.

 And the Bridge is Love invites read­ers to trav­el along­side these dynam­ic women in this inspir­ing nov­el about love, fam­i­ly and forgiveness.


March 21:  Weina Dai Randall – The Last Rose of Shanghai

In Japan­ese-occu­pied Shang­hai, two peo­ple from dif­fer­ent cul­tures are drawn togeth­er by fate and the free­dom of music…

1940. Aiyi Shao is a young heiress and the own­er of a for­mer­ly pop­u­lar and glam­orous Shang­hai night­club. Ernest Reis­mann is a pen­ni­less Jew­ish refugee dri­ven out of Ger­many, an out­sider search­ing for shel­ter in a city wary of strangers. He los­es near­ly all hope until he cross­es paths with Aiyi. When she hires Ernest to play piano at her club, her defi­ance of cus­tom caus­es a sen­sa­tion. His instant fame makes Aiyi’s club once again the hottest spot in Shang­hai. Soon they real­ize they share more than a pas­sion for jazz―but their dif­fer­ences seem insur­mount­able, and Aiyi is engaged to anoth­er man.

From the elec­tri­fy­ing jazz clubs to the impov­er­ished streets of a city under siege, The Last Rose of Shang­hai is a time­less, sweep­ing sto­ry of love and redemption.