FL JCC Virtual Author Event - Tobias Buck

By Miami Beach JCC (other events)

Monday, January 13 2025 3:30 PM 4:30 PM EDT

Please join us for our Virtual Author Series with Tobais Buck, Final Verdict.

Tobias Buck’s com­pelling new book takes a giant step in this direc­tion by bring­ing us into a Ham­burg court­room and telling us the sto­ry of one Bruno Dey, a for­mer Nazi guard at the Stuffhof con­cen­tra­tion camp in Poland. At the age of nine­ty-three, Dey was final­ly charged with aid­ing in the mur­der of more than five thou­sand people. 

Read­ing Buck’s entic­ing prose, we learn that Dey’s crimes were con­sid­ered small in rela­tion to the enor­mous evil car­ried out by the SS hier­ar­chy over­all; yet it still took over sev­en­ty years to even begin to deliv­er jus­tice to his victims. While the book includes a wealth of high­ly orga­nized infor­ma­tion that will appeal to seri­ous schol­ars and stu­dents of his­to­ry and cul­ture, Buck’s live­ly writ­ing will also invite any­one with an inter­est in Ger­many, the Nazi era, or the com­plex prob­lems of today’s polit­i­cal sys­tems to lis­ten and learn.

Tobias Buck is the Man­ag­ing Edi­tor of The Finan­cial Times. He stud­ied law in Berlin before serv­ing as the FT’s cor­re­spon­dent in Brus­sels, Jerusalem, Madrid, and Berlin. His first book, After the Fall: Cri­sis, Recov­ery and the Mak­ing of a New Spain, was pub­lished in 2019. He lives in the Unit­ed Kingdom.