Florida Book Series: Heather Morris

By Miami Beach JCC (other events)

Thursday, November 18 2021 1:00 PM 2:00 PM EDT

Florida JCCs Present: A World of Books: Authors from Israel & Around the World

Heather Morris, Author of “Three Sisters”

The unfor­get­table con­clu­sion to the sto­ry that start­ed with The Tat­tooist of Auschwitz. Cibi, Mag­da, and Livia were aged 19, 17, and 15 in 1942, when Livia was ordered to leave their home in Slo­va­kia, to “work for the Ger­mans.” Cibi insist­ed on going with Livia, and the two were sent to the hell of Auschwitz while Mag­da remained in hid­ing. In 1944, Mag­da was cap­tured and the three were reunit­ed in Auschwitz, and as the war turned against the Nazis, sent out on the death march­es. They had so lit­tle, they had suf­fered such bru­tal­i­ty, but they were strong togeth­er and found their way home. These deter­mined young women, who had sur­vived so much, emi­grat­ed to Israel. There they worked, pros­pered, found love, had chil­dren and grand­chil­dren, always together.

Heather Mor­ris is an inter­na­tion­al num­ber one best­selling author, who is pas­sion­ate about sto­ries of sur­vival, resilience, and hope. In 2003, while work­ing in a large pub­lic hos­pi­tal in Mel­bourne, Heather was intro­duced to an elder­ly gen­tle­man who ‘might just have a sto­ry worth telling.’ The day she met Lale Sokolov changed both their lives. Heather used Lale’s sto­ry as the basis for The Tat­tooist of Auschwitz, which has sold six mil­lion copies. Her fol­low-up nov­el, Cilka­’s Jour­ney, has sold more than a mil­lion copies worldwide.