FL JCC Virtual Author Event - Lihi Lapid

By Miami Beach JCC (other events)

Monday, December 9 2024 3:30 PM 4:30 PM EDT

Join us for our virtual FL JCC Author Series with Lihi Lapid.

Lihi Lapid’s nov­el, On Her Own, is a sto­ry of daugh­ters, moth­ers, and grand­moth­ers. Nina, the novel’s teenage pro­tag­o­nist, has run away from home fol­low­ing an argu­ment with her moth­er over a long-held dis­pute about Nina dat­ing an old­er man. On her first night with this old­er man, she wit­ness­es his involve­ment in a mur­der. She runs from him into the arms of Carmela, a woman whose old­er son has died and whose younger son has moved from Israel to the US with his wife and chil­dren. Carmela, who’s los­ing her mem­o­ry and her abil­i­ty to think clear­ly, mis­tak­en­ly believes that Nina, whom she dis­cov­ered in the hall­way of her build­ing, is her grand­daugh­ter, Dana. Tak­ing on this new iden­ti­ty of Dana, Nina devel­ops a rela­tion­ship with Carmela as she seeks shel­ter from oth­er parts of her life.

Lihi Lapid is a best­selling Israeli author, pho­to­jour­nal­ist, colum­nist, and actor. This is her third nov­el. She lives in Tel Aviv with her hus­band Yair Lapid, the for­mer Prime Min­is­ter of Israel, and their two children.