FL JCC Virtual Author Event - Andrew Mellen

By Miami Beach JCC (other events)

Monday, January 6 2025 3:30 PM 4:30 PM EST

Join us for our virtual FL JCC Author Series with Andrew Mellen - Unstuff Your Life

Fre­quent­ly called “the most orga­nized man in Amer­i­ca,” sought-after orga­niz­er and train­er Andrew Mellen has cre­at­ed unique, last­ing tech­niques for stream­lined liv­ing, bring­ing order out of chaos for the chron­i­cal­ly over­whelmed every­where.

Dis­cov­er how to:
• Nev­er lose your keys, wal­let or cell phone again 
• Stop mail, mag­a­zine, and paper pile­ups for good 
• Feel empow­ered to tack­le bills and bud­gets 
• Reclaim space and time once dom­i­nat­ed by clut­ter

Built on the prin­ci­ple that we must dis­tin­guish our­selves from our pos­ses­sions, Unstuff Your Life! starts with tru­ly achiev­able goals and works toward the night­mare projects every­one tries hard to avoid. With humor, hon­esty, tough love, and fool­proof advice, Mellen makes it easy to final­ly let go and embrace the declut­tered life.

Andrew Mellen just might be the most orga­nized man in the world. Speak­ing on such well-known stages as TEDx and SXSW, lead­ing retreats at Omega Insti­tute and Tas­sa­jara, and being named The Wall Street Jour­nal and Audi­ble best­selling author of Unstuff Your Life!, The Most Orga­nized Man in America’s Guide to Mov­ing, and Call­ing Bullsh*t on Busy, Andrew attrib­ut­es his wild suc­cess to his straight­for­ward (read: no‑B.S.) and fun approach.