Florida JCC's Authors from Around the World: Naomi Ragen

By Miami Beach JCC (other events)

Thursday, October 21 2021 1:00 PM 2:00 PM EDT

Welcome to the Florida JCCs Authors from Around the World Series, brought to you by participating JCC's in South Florida and Orlando.

This month features Naomi Ragen discussing her new book,"An Observant Wife".

About The Book

In this rich and com­pas­sion­ate new nov­el, Nao­mi Ragen con­tin­ues the love sto­ry between new­ly obser­vant Cal­i­for­nia-girl Leah and ultra-Ortho­dox wid­ow­er Yaakov from An Unortho­dox Match.

From the joy of their wed­ding day sur­round­ed by sup­port­ive friends and fam­i­ly, Yaakov and Leah are soon plunged into the com­plex real­i­ty of their new lives togeth­er as Yaakov leaves his beloved yeshi­va to work in the city, and Leah con­fronts the often-ago­niz­ing restric­tions imposed by reli­gious laws gov­ern­ing even the most inti­mate moments of their mar­ried lives. Adding to their dif­fi­cul­ties is the hos­til­i­ty of some in the com­mu­ni­ty who con­tin­ue to view Leah as a dan­ger­ous inter­lop­er, ques­tion­ing her sin­cer­i­ty and adher­ence to reli­gious laws and spread­ing out­ra­geous rumors. In the midst of their heart­felt attempts to reach a bal­ance between their human needs and their spir­i­tu­al oblig­a­tions, the dis­cov­ery of a secret, for­bid­den rela­tion­ship between trou­bled teenage daugh­ter Shain­dele and a local boy pre­cip­i­tates a mael­strom of life-chang­ing con­se­quences for all.

About the Author

Nao­mi Ragen is an award-win­ning nov­el­ist, jour­nal­ist, and play­wright. Her first book, Jeph­te’s Daugh­ter, was list­ed among the one-hun­dred most impor­tant Jew­ish books of all time. Her best­selling nov­els include Sotah, The Covenant, The Sis­ters Weiss, and Dev­il in Jerusalem. An out­spo­ken advo­cate for wom­en’s rights, and an active com­bat­ant against anti-Israel and anti-Semit­ic pro­pa­gan­da, she has lived in Jerusalem since 1971. An Obser­vant Wife is her thir­teenth novel.