Alyson Richman - Literary Luncheon

By Miami Beach JCC (other events)

Wednesday, December 18 2024 12:30 PM 2:00 PM EST

Best-selling author Alyson Richman will talk about her latest book, The Time Keepers at the JCC's Literary Luncheon/Community Read Inaugural Event on Wednesday, December 18 at 12:30 PM.

Two women from dif­fer­ent worlds, joined by the love of a child dis­placed by war, dis­cov­er friend­ship and heal­ing as their lives inter­sect with a mys­te­ri­ous wound­ed Viet­nam vet named Jack. Jack works at the Gold­en Hours — a watch store that mends time pieces — and maybe even mends dam­aged souls. The Time Keep­ers inter­weaves the jour­neys of won­der­ful­ly diverse char­ac­ters that will grip, fill, and break your heart — only to bring them togeth­er with the care and pre­ci­sion of an expert watch­mak­er, one piece at a time. Inspired by the true sto­ry of a Viet­namese refugee who entrust­ed the dra­mat­ic sto­ry of her escape from Viet­nam to the author and also that of a wound­ed vet­er­an, Rich­man sheds light on the per­son­al sto­ries of those whose lives were for­ev­er impact­ed by the dev­as­ta­tion of war.

Alyson Rich­man grad­u­at­ed from Welles­ley Col­lege with a degree in art his­to­ry and Japan­ese stud­ies. She is an accom­plished painter and her nov­els com­bine her deep love of art, his­to­ry, and trav­el. Alyson’s nov­els have been pub­lished in 25 lan­guages and have reached the best­seller lists domes­ti­cal­ly and abroad. She lives on Long Island with her hus­band and two children.

And don't forget to join us for our Wednesday's at the JCC - JCC-U

The line-up of classes for JCC-U will include:

9:15 AM – Coffee & Conversation: Kickstart your JCC-U Day with the perfect blend of offee, engaging conversation, and a dash of surprise opics. Join the lively discussions led by the Moderator/ Host, Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff.

10:00 am - Choose one

Music History with Alan Mason Each week Allan will introduce you to great moments that shaped the music that we enjoy.

Chair Yoga with Marta Molnar Chair yoga, a gentle form of yoga that’s done while seated or using a chair for balance, makes the practice more accessible.

11:15 am - Choose one

Art History: This is a class for all art lovers. Learn about the great masters and art appreciation with Batia Cohen in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

Spiritual movement and Torah Mediation with Havi Heber Kunis

12:30 PM - JCC-U Lunch and Learn: - Literary Luncheon with Allyson Richman

JCC-U Day of Learning

$30 per week (Includes Lunch)

Members & Patrons: FREE (Includes Lunch)

JCC-U Day of Learning

This program was made possible by the generous support from Baptist Health